Sunday 16 December 2018

Secret Santa

I belong to a face book group and each year, someone conducts a secret santa. It seems that a lot of the women (and it is mainly women in this group) are either single mums or widows.

Not everyone elects to go in for secret santa but I have for the last few years. I posted on here under Christmas one of the gifts that I made to send and I also sent a book that I thought the person would like.

We fill out a questionaire about favourite colours,  etc etc. I was matched this year to someone that that far away and she is a single mum with a couple of late teens. I know from the group that she is madly saving to buy her own house. Therefore money is not plentiful and I would think that she would not buy anything for herself. Besides having contact from another person, the idea is a gift.

I posted mine off one morning and that afternoon, I received a parcel from who ever was matched to me, its not the same person.

Besides a card, there was a strong large shopping bag, a tablet bag with strap and another bag that I was at a bit of a loss over, thanhfully she had mentioned it in the card, it was a brolly bag, made from thickish material so thst if the umbrella was wet, it would absorb the moisture. As I usually misplace or get rid of the covers of umbrellas, it woukd be good. All handmade the articles were too.

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