Friday 5 January 2018


Yesterday we went out, the plan was to go for soup and hot chocolate as ut was a cold, wet and miserable day. Nothing like soup and hot choccy to warm ones insides up, right.

Only thing is that we had to brave the weather to get there, as we have no cooking facilities in the apartment.

We rug up, grab the imbrellas and head to the bus station, as the terminal is just across from the gates, there was no oroblems getting a seat, we were the only ones on for several stops. Still raining when we reached Shi Mou shopping centre where Fizz Pizza is located. The rain was fairly pelting down and we were keeping close to the shops as there was some overhang to keep the rain off. Well, one of those shop fronts was Pizza Hut, we wanted pizza and that was closer and they also have soup and hot choccy.

In we went and of course directed to the second floor, the door person was on the walkie talkie as we were climbing the stairs. "Liang ge le weis" telling the staff upstairs that two foreigners were coming up. We were greeted with smiles, shown to a seat and given menus. Hum, there was a large pizza on the front with different toppings. I asked if that, pointing to it was that price 88rmb, again pointing to the price. A nod of the head to comfirm it but she pointed to the other side which said 176rmb for 2 and then run the pen down the side. Warren then took over as he thought that he would like dessert. Between us and our limited Chinese and the menu, we thought we knew what we were getting and jt was pretty close.

For the sum of 176, there was the pizza, two hot chocolates, a salad and a soup and two dessert.
Soup and salad, we selected fruit salad which came with mayonaisse as usual here but you know it does taste good surprisingly, inthe back ground was the big mug if chocolate.
Then the pizza! Nine little squares of different, one had prawns, one mushrooms, a couple had sweet corn and chicken, couple with sausage type meat, one with lots of chilli which was the only little in the middle that got left.
Then dessert, oh my goodness! The left one was cake and cream, nice but the one on the right, we cut them in half to have half each, was like a soft mousse with a denser mousse on the outside then coated in a dusting of chocolate dust? It was so yummy and so rich, I didnt quite finish my half.

Then came paying the bill, I knew that I had lots of small notes in  my wallet that I wanted to use up, they are hard to convert back to our currency, some places wont even take them Warren did wonder if I was scraping the barrel to see if we had to wash dishes or not. Too cold to do anything after so we just rolled back over to the bus stop and made our way home caught a bus that we hadnt caught before but we remembered that it went past the south gate and better than that it stopped right outside, bonus.

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