Sunday 7 January 2018

Pesky things

Warren has a class tomorrow so he wanted to do some prep this morning. As we have no printer here, we need to do the work put it on usb drive and then wander over to the office in office hours to print it.

He did his prep and I tidied the book case where we keep our resources and most other stuff that one accumulates. I noticed he was looking for something. Conversation goes like this.
You looking for something?
Yeah, my usb, you seen it?
Well, you used it friday to print my stuff off but I put it on the table.
You sure?
Yes, it was in the folder with my printing for fridays class but i knew you would want it so I took it out and threw it over to you. Both of us are picking up papers and looking under things.
Well, its not here, you havent seen it
Not since then. Starting to wonder if it was friday that i gave it back.
Where is the folder we took to english corner?
Here but its not in there. When did you last have it. Friday i thought. I must have left it in class. But you didnt use it unless the music was on it? No, that was on my phone.
Both of us madly pulling things off the bookcase. These usbs have all kur work prep plus photos plus marks etc. We could recover most but lots of work. Decide that it is lost and we would have to spend the day going from computer to a second usb when Warren puts his hand in his pocket and sheepishly says, oops just found it!
My comment, you are buying lunch.
It is only little, it is alongside a park of cards

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