Wednesday 17 January 2018

Lunch for a less than a Dollar

Yep, that was how much my lunch cost me today, beats the tin of baked beans that I had yesterday for lunch. Warren was out today and I set out for a walk and picked up lunch to eat on the way. I usually only buy it when I am kn my own as he cant eat it.

It being like a flat bread with alittle meat and fermented vegetable mixed through jt and cooked over hot coals. When we were in Nanchang, that was my normal lunch.
This is the tub that they are cooked in. He rolls the flour mixture out, its about a handful and then attached it to the sides of the tub and allows to cook for a couple of minutes.
This morning when I got there, it was just before school finished for lunch and he had several already cooked. He put up four fingers to tell me the price and indicated for me to take one. Then he nodded to the side, ha, it was the till, I had a five yuan note out so I put the note jn and took a coin. It was good to see that while he is cooking he doesnt touch the money. A student comes in to help once finished school and she does all the money changing. Not much cash changes hand anyway as students pay using their phones, except high school students who are not allowed to have phones.
They use a qr code and then show the vendor that they have paid.

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