Thursday 4 January 2018


One would think I was hungry as this is another blog entry on food but no, I did a lesson on food yesterday to one of my classes. Its a concept that I have not taught before and it has been hard to get my head around it.

I have two lessons back to back of 40 minutes, shorter than I am used to with two lots of students. It is also a taxi ride away. Their English is pretty good and I did ask them what they wanted re lessons, they came up with fashion, music, movies and food.

Music and movies? talking to teenagers, not me. However, last week we did clothes, maybe not what they thought but they learnt new words and try to play a game just not how I expected them to play. This week was food! Again so new words and then I had them make sandwiches, they had fun, had something to eat and got to use knives, butter etc that they would not usually use.

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