Friday 12 January 2018

A wet day makes hot chocolate very welcome

We took a bus into town as I wanted to check out a couple of places for some gifts/trinkets to take home. The road that I wanted is called Lu Xun street which leads into Lu Xun village. He was a poet and wrote many famous poems in China and is quite looked up to, in this part of China. This was his birthplace and he was a very distinguished looking guy. Just as well because there is a very large wall at the entrance with his face on it, he had a moushache and is always shown smoking a cigarette.
When we first came here the village was here and it was a tourist attraction but over the years, it has become bigger and better.
There was a new restaurant just opened, can always tell when a new place opens by the flowers outside of the premises.

A hot chocolate at Starbucks to warm us and prepare us for the 4.6 km walk home

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