Friday 19 January 2018


I hate wearing socks and usually go without. I guess the main I dont like them is the tops seem to be too tight. Nothing to do with me having fat ankles of course!
I did bring two pairs with me just in case it got cold enough to need them. Well, of curse it did, who was I trying to kid. I bought a couple of pairs of silk socks and there fine but quite light and therefore not very warm.

At the campus book store ,they had on offer socks, pretty cheap and I thought they would be good to wear in the apartment to help keep my feet warm. I only packed three pairs od shoes, well one of shoes and two pair of boots.

Well, I have been amazed, these socks are really comfortable and I can wear them with my boots and definitely no cold feet. I do think that they might be bed socks but I dont carr, my feet have not been cold. I bought some more as I am sure that I will be able to use them ln our UK walk and at 7 rmb, cheap as well.

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