Wednesday 17 January 2018

Interesting walk

Surprisingly the weather is getting a little warmer and it is really nice to go out, still need a jacket though but my gloves have gone in the bin.
Seen from one bridge up to the mountains.
Who put a stone stairway in the middle of a park? I did notice yesterday though that I went up much quicker than usual. There was a woman practising her drumming on the other side of the bridge. I knew she was there as the sound was bouncong off the buildings the other side of the canal. I have seen her there at other times as well.

I did intend to walk further but wearing a jacket and thick socks, I was starting to get a bit warm so took the shorter route home which lead past this little guy. He lives across the road from where i was walking but came over to say hello as he and his dad often see us. They both live or at least hang out near a small shop just out the North gate. r

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