Its amazing what can happen in school holidays.
I knew Sheridan was thinking of going south for a few days but didn't know when.
Texting her on Tuesday regarding work rosters, she said that she would be heading out in an hour or so. I asked heading where?I wasn't sure if she meant home or somewhere else as I knew she was out at the time.
Soon the phone rings and she says, couldn't be bothered texting so ringing and then said that she was leaving to go south about 4 pm, it was now 3 pm.
Then the comment came 'Unless you want to come for a drive."
Me "Well, I had thought about it!"
Her "Throw some clothes in a bag and get down here"
Me "It will take me til 4.30 at least to get there"
Her 'I can wait"
Meanwhile Warren's saying "Go on, off you go, get off the phone and get some things together." Looks like i am going on a road trip!
Warren helped me pack and then drove me to Sheri's arriving at 4 pm, it is a 40 min drive on a good day. We transferred to her car and off we set. Just on dusk, we did a little deviation to pick up our first cache, then into the next town/city for a well earned rest and hopefully a good sleep.
As I was told that we would be leaving at or before 7 am, we did!
My packing was good, didnt forget anything, except some perfume but I can live without that for a few.
In three and a bit days, we travelled about 2000 kms, talked and laughed a lot, took some pics and saw lots of new and different things. more blog posts with photos to come. thank goodness, my camera was sorted.