Friday, 16 December 2016

Library Books

I like to read, a lot! I visit the library about once a month or more often and for the last few years i have selected large print books. Most of my reading is done when I am in bed and I just find it easier to read the larger print books.

I paid a visit to our local library last Saturday and for it being two weeks before Christmas , the township was very quiet. Our library is located in the next town, not too far away but not where I usually do any shopping. I got a park just out front and was able to walk across the road to the Post Office as I had one parcel to send off and I knew that one would be less crowded than the one in the mall. Yes, i was right, only two people in front of me and as there were three on the counters, almost no waiting.

I checked my books in through self serve at the library and went down the aisles to pick my next lot of reading, I came away with eight books, should be enough to keep me occupied until after the holidays.

Its just a week and three of the books, I had read before! How I missed that I dont know, two I reread as I could remember reading them I couldn't exactly remember the whole plot. The third one, I read three chapters and gave it away as I wasnt that thrilled about it in the first place. A woman ended up with both her mother and her mother in law living with her and her husband had left her in a lot of debt and then there was a murder, yada,yada.

I think i will have to go back next week and take my time to read the first page, thats when i know if I have read them or not.

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