Wednesday 30 November 2016

I'm Back

Not that I have been anywhere but I feel as though I have been away.

Writing in the National Novel Writing Month or Nanowri mo for short took up a lot of my time and then I worked for several days during that.

Mainly my work days started at 6.30 am when I left the house and often it was 5.30 pm or even 6 pm a couple of occasions when I got home. The work wasn't hard and I enjoyed it but glad that it is now finished.

I did get my book/novel finished on Sunday three days early.The story line is not finished yet but I had reached the required magical number of 50,000. I always like to do a word count and the last one when the computer told me that I had done 5,0003, I decided to validate it. All words written have to be copied and pasted to the website in America and often they vary a little usually to the negative but a message came back with Congratulations 50,009 words.

I will leave it for a few days and then start tidying it up, As I am not a touch typist, I usually miss out the commas in abbreviated words.

I will also need to come up with a cover for my book. I hope to get this one pulished, that is the "prize" for "wining" getting to the 50K in the month so I cant stay away from it for too long.

More changes have been made around the home which I will be blogging about in the next few days.

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