Sunday 20 November 2016

New floors

Yay, after talking about it for a couple of years, we finally did it, got new floors, well floor coverings. The bug bear was the big heavy unit that we had in the corner. great piece of furniture when we bought it nearly twenty years, it was to house the TV and other bits and pieces.

We emptied it still have the stuff that was in it but they will be culled and most donated, some things go back as far as wedding presents and have only been used a few times. Warren put it up for sale and it was sold and picked up within three days.

We have moved the lounge in its place for the time being. This is the dining/family room the night before the floors were done.
The lounge room ready for the layers to come in.

New flooring down.
Dining room and passage. The computer desk has been put into one of the bedrooms and will be staying there. The new modem that we had to have because of NBN, reached everywhere that we need it.

No carpet in the living areas only the bedrooms and it is so nice to walk on.

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