Thursday, 10 November 2016

Tax Time

We saw our accountant yesterday to have our tax done. Yes, its what some people would call late but we are early than last year by about six weeks.

Bruce comes to the house and brings his computer and stuff, he has two big back packs that he carts with him. He usually stays and has dinner with us but it was a mid afternoon time and he was going on to another client.

Warren always has our tax stuff organised and I swear that it is getting smaller each year, I did have to run off a statement from both banks that we use about the amount of interest that they had given us over the year. Our group certificates and thats about it.

Bruce works his magic and luckily then tells us what we can expect to get back and he is spot on to within a dollar or two. This year we are getting all the tax that we paid back. yay! Funny, that the money we are getting back is about the same as we are having to pay for the new air con. I havent even paid Bruce, he didn't bother to bring his printer with him, now he sends it electronically to the Tax dept. He will print off a copy for his records and our bill once he gets back to his office at home.

Oh, well, money comes in one hand and goes out the other.

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