Friday 4 November 2016


Its that time of the year again. Time to write! National Novel Writing Month.
50,000 words in 30 days to write a novel makes one a novelist (it also makes one a bit nutty at times)

This will be my seventh years and I have acheived the goal each year so far.

I am finally writing the idea that I had when I first committed to nanowrimo seven years ago. I had a late start as Tuesday being Melbourne Cup, I had some things to do for that,

I did finally make a start and did 1668 before, the breakdown is 1667 each day. I need to write each day otherwise I feel as though I wont be able to catch up.

Today is the fourth day and I had a good writing day with over 2k written and I will probably do another hour or so. The weekend is shaping up to be busy so I need to be ahead.

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