Sunday 6 November 2016


Just lately there has been a lot of butterflies around much more than usual. Friday we noticed quite a fair go through the back yard as we were having a coffee on the patio. Some were white a couple were brindle and then there were the white with black around the edges of their wings.

Out with Sheridan yesterday and we were driving down a secondary road just off the main highway and as she said it was like driving down a wind tunnel as all these butterflies were coming towards us. I couldn't estimate how many but it was a lot and they just kept coming.

Warren said that he saw on the news that it is something to do with the strange weather patterns in the West has pushed them over our way.

More butterflies this morning when out walking on a horse trail. Lucy saw two horses being ridden, that was freaky we got her to sit while they went past. She saw one in the paddock last week today these were up close and very very big her eyes were wide open as they rode past and then she was in a hurry to put some distance between her and them.

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