Monday 14 November 2016

Practice Christmas Dinner

I have decided to do something different for Christmas this year. Much healthier, less meat and less food altogether.

I made a chicken roll on Saturday using chicken mince, spread out on baking paper then chopped spinach and nuts spread on top and rolled up, baked for 40 minutes. yep that was okay

The other dish I tried was this one.
Smoked salmon on the bottom, I used 100gms for two, six prawns, one cucumber, one mango and a red pepper with some herbs and some fish sauce, lemon juice and a little sugar to taste. Also to off set the sourness of lemon and fish sauce.

Folded the plastic over and into the fridge, I did it after lunch for dinner probably be better to leave it longer if possible.

This was serving the juices did come out of the ramekin, served with tomato and cucumber a little bit of coleslaw and cold roast pumpkin with some feta.

Warren said it was a winner just not sure if the kids would eat it. The salmon is a fairly strong taste, i will have to ponder more.

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