Wednesday 23 November 2016

A Ratty Dog

I worked the last couple of days and Monday I arrived home about 5.20 pm. Warren said to me almost as soon as I walked in the door, "I dont know whats wrong with Lucy, maybe she was looking for you but the last ten minutes or so she has been in and out of her door like mad thing."

I told him that I knew what was wrong with her, it was past her dinner time and she was trying to tell him that! She is usually fed between 5 and 5.15 pm.

Photo is of Lucy waiting patiently for me to get her dinner out of the fridge, she knew then what was happening.

Last night I arrived home later but he had learnt and fed her at 5 pm, he has set his alarm so she didnt break the door down (that wasnt likely but if she is ready for her dinner, the door does make more noise opening and shutting) 

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