Wednesday 13 January 2016


We are staying away from the main highways and taking the scenic secondary routes. We stayed the night at Manilla, seems a nice little town with quite a large caravan park, again $25.

Of course sitting over breakfast, I had woken late, it is holiday time after all, I noticed on my tablet that it was 9.17 am. I had changed the time on mine but he hadnt. NSW are an hour ahead and we needed to be out of the park by 10 am. We drove out at 9.42 am, amazing what one can do when one is in a hurry.

Driving out of town, we saw an unusual sight for us any way.
I must admit that we cheated a bit on this photo. We saw it and while I am trying to get my camera out, we had gone past, damn missed opportunity. Warren said that he could take the next turn and double back into town which is what he did. The old guy driving the horse and cart probably thought we were nuts as we had waved to him each time.

Less than ten kilmetres from town we saw heaps of little planes. Warren had talked to people the night before and they were there for the para gliding competition. Apparently it is The Capital place in Australia to do it. Last year they had had 700 in the air at one time.
Hard to see in the photo.

Just before lunch we saw this.
Half a house being moved and taking up one side of the road and half of the other, cars coming the other way had to pull over. We followed for about 10 or 12 kilometres and then there was a road side stop and we thought it was a good time to have lunch. We had the CB on and they were going to pull over there too then realised that they wouldn't have fitted in the driveway.
The photos are a bit blurry but all were taken in a moving car.
It was very hot today reached 41 degrees.

Very blue skies and little cloud.

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