Saturday, 23 January 2016

Creswick to Warrnambool

Today we left Creswick and travelled to Warrnambool. We opted to go on the secondary country roads rather the usual trip along the Great Ocean road. The roads were all bitumen but small were a trifle narrow, thankfully on the narrowest of roads which went for 35 kms, we only met one car coming the other way.

It also rained on and off for most of the trip and was quite grey, it appears to be in the middle of winter instead of summer!

We saw some of these off in the distance probably 20 or so and then later we came very close to a few, they are so majestic, I think.

Arriving in Warrnambool, we located the caravan park, the gold plated one, costing us $58 a night. Its busy and crowded with lots of families and kids. When we checked I saw that it is a Family park, we are a member of Family parks and as such entitled to 10% discount. They told us that we couldn't not get the discount as the money had already gone thru to council, the only way to recover the discount was to stay another night and then they could adjust the price, so we stay one more night and only pay $30 rather $58, not likely.

Our camp site required us (Warren) to scramble up a retaining wall and thru three metres of bush to plug in.

There is also no sullage here people seem to let their sink waste go on the ground.
We are not far from the toilets but it is up a flights of steps/stairs. Not real happy!

The beach is about 200 metres walk and while there was a lot swimming, it looked cold and bleak. The kids across the way were dressing in wetsuits to go which was probably a good idea.

We walked along the foreshore for a couple of kms, I was glad to be wearing my cardigan that I bought at the woollen mills yesterday.  

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