Saturday 30 January 2016

Blue Lake Mt Gambier

Yesterday we were driving north to see my sister about two hours away and we stopped to take photos of the blue Lake. I do not use filters on my pics.
Now a days one can not cross the road to take a picture, there is an underpath and boy it was cold and windy, about 12 degrees I think it was at 11.30 am.

We had lunch at Naracoorte that was Warren's stomping ground when he was young and my family would go to the dentist there. We spent an enjoyable hour or so walking around and remembering the shops and people who owned them. Some had changed a lot others not at all.

We also drove out around the old farm where he grew up no one lives in the homestead any more and it was quite sad looking, a good puff of wind and I think it would fall in.

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