Thursday 23 August 2012

Red Hat farewell

The girls decided to give me a going away morning tea and we travelled to Woodsford to CJ's bakery. Lynette who owns it had bought purple mugs for the occassion and we had any coffee and a cake for $6. Everyone went and picked their cakes and then gave me their coffee order and the money which I then gave to the head waitress. The service was brillant, there were eighteen of us and I reckon that we all had our coffees in about ten minutes. There is a great dress shop up there as well and she caters for red Hatters. there was a great orange dress winter long sleeved on the 50% rack which I am thinking about, it was priced at $49.95, still deciding about another trip there to try it on. Anyway during the morning tea, I was presented with a gift of a fan (coals to Newcastle!) but it had a dragon on it and a swing tag to go on my name badges with Dragon Lady on it so that is my new name/title. i took along my book to show people and a couple of girls asked if they could buy a copy! I said no but they could read it if they wished.

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