Thursday 2 August 2012

A Pensioner!

As of two days ago I am officially a pensioner. I qualified 31st of July on my fifty nine and a half "birthday"  Yesterday when I arrived home, there was an official looking letter waiting for me. Not that straight forward for every thing to go smoothly, they need more information! surprise, surprise! DVA had sent out the forms required, just a Part B and so that was what we filled in. I say "we" as I opened the letter and then Warren did the rest, he having the experience from his own. Yesterday's missile stated that Part A and Part B need to be lodged together, Part A is our bank details, assets and  trips to the loo each day (so they can track water usage lol). Part A from Warren's they already have and we wronged assumed that they would use that but no. It seems that each person is treated as an indivual BUT partners income etc etc are counted as well. At least, it was only ten days since lodgement day so we''ll see how much longer it takes until i receive any money. Warren's took five months, one can only hope its less. I would love to have it before I need to get my months worth of pills to take to China. $300+ down to $60, bring on the pension card! Pension, the word, gives me a bit of a giggle and sends Warren into a funk! While in China, he was doing a crossword puzzle, in bed and I was reading. He says I need help, What! I say being very obsorbed in my book. Well, I need a word for guest house, its seven letters and starts with a "P". I say "Pension". He says "Guest house" "Yes, pension". A few more words were said and then he got the dictionary in disbelief and to his astonishment, found that another word for guest house is pension! Admittly it is a French word but none the less, I was right. I told him that came from being very well read, tongue in cheek. He promised never to doubt me again, yeah, right, we'll see.

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