Monday 6 August 2012

Yay! Book is finished

I met my quota last November for nanowrimo with a day or so to spare. 51,000 words give or take a few. Didn't look at it again til after holidays in Feb then I edited it, found some errors and a couple of pieces that I decided to rewrite because the sentence structure was wrong. Two months it took me, twice as long as it did to write the thing. Then I asked Warren to read and edit it too, he did about 90 pages in four months! Sunday i decided to wait on him no longer and finished it off and wrote an epilogue as well. Asked Warren to format etc so that I could send it to Create space to publish it. Sheridan and Jordan visited in the afternoon and his nibs asked Sheri to do it as she knew what to do. Tadaahh! she sat down and did it and its now been sent off. Certainly wont set the litery world on fire but it has some of the family stories down on paper.

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