Friday 3 August 2012

Twenty Wishes

A few weeks ago i read a book from the library titled "Twenty Wishes" It told the story of five women from a smallish town, all were widows, they were part of a book club and decided to get together for the holidays which were noramlly family get-togethesr. The main character was in her thirties and she had married a man twenty years older than her, he had children and stated before they were married that he wasnt interested in more kids. She was happy to go along with that but five years later her bio clock was ticking loudly. They argued over it and finally spilt, living apart for nine months but starting to come to terms and meeting again when he died, a car accident or heart attack. Anyway the five widows spent Thanksgiving or something together and decided that they should set themselves a target of twenty wishes that they could work towards as something for themselves. The book followed the MC and one of her wishes was to volunteer somewhere, one of the pther widows helped her with that as she did reading at a local school so that was one wish down. MC found it difficult to come up with 20 wishes, it took her a few months to put it in writing. Of course one of her wishes was to have a child and it does come true but not in the way she or the reader expects. I guess the book had quite an effect on me as I have been thinking about twenty wishes myself and also finding it hard to come up with a list. One wish that I did have was to go on another cruise and figured that if I didnt talk about it to anyone then nothing would happen. I mentioned it to Warren and probably nudged him in the right direction and he has booked a cruise for my sixth birthday. Thats a win win situation as i get what i want and he doesnt have to think of anything more for my 60th. Now to work out the other nineteen, maybe it does show that I am pretty content with my life. writer was debbie something and I have ordered a couple more of her books to read.

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