Monday 13 August 2012

Strawberry jam

I read on the Down to earth blog about making your own SJ. It sounded easy and as Warren cant eat all brands of ham, i decided to give it a go. I bought two punnets of strawberries and the sugar but I didnt have any suitable jars. I waited til I was at Sheri's, she had jars. Ended up with a kilo of strawberries and I cut out some of the sugar. Its okay a little sweet and havent set quite enough. Made three jars, left one here and it has been going into Jodans mikl shakes as he loves strawberries. Between us we are aiming for him to put on between 1.5 and 2kilos before next clinic, in the first week, he put on 700 gms, what a star! and he hasnt complained about having skantishakes. Three pots cost me about $12 and I have sugar and jam setter over. At the strawberry farm on Wednesday, they were selling same size pots of jam for $8!

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