Friday 3 August 2012


Last week I took the boys into clinic and Aidan was mumbling in the back seat, when i asked him what he said, I got the reply, "I'm not talking to you" He was apparently talking to someone else who was in the back seat with him. Monday we set off to get petrol and Aidan wanted "Donalds" for lunch, I said that I would take him to Hungrey Jacks as it was on the way, between petrol and fruit market. On the way, we had a disscussion on who was in the car, Mick was sitting with him. AD asked if I knew Mick, I asked if Mick had been at Poppy's house, yes, he said, he was cutting trees. Lots of chat in the back and no he informed he was not talking to me but he was talking to Mick. In the car park at HJ's I was told that Mick was just behind him, I asked how big was Mick, Mick was apparently the same size as Adian. Tuesday going home, Jim had joined Mick in the car to go to our place. Picked up a few food stuffs and while driving to the library, Aidan informs me that Mick had not got into the car then a few minutes later, he was there. I asked how he got there, he run very fast and opened the door while we were stopped at lights. He was abit naughty for not coming with us. That is the last (so far) that I have heard of Mick or Jim for that matter.

1 comment:

  1. At least he will never be lonely with Mick and Jim to keep him company!
