Thursday 23 August 2012


My first trip to the Ekka! Aidan had to go to the hospital for his port, blood tests and an exray for his five year medical appointment. Always knew that the port and bloods weren't going to be good. After we left the car in the hospital car park and walked down to the ekka. I only took $40 with me and I didnt even think of the cost of entry fee, which was $26 but Sheri bought a familt ticket and then I gave her $25 and i bought a dagwood dog for lunch so I actually came home with some money as the show bag that I bought warren, i used a card.
it was a good day to go as it wasn't a special day, very few school were there so we were able to walk around at our liesure. The Woolworths tent area was the place to go, lots of free tastings of foods. Loved the helgas slice, like bread but can be used as pizza bases, sandwiches etc. The pet place was good too, saw a great cat, it was like a dog in the way that it loved being scratched etc, I think it was a Tonganese cat. Jordan and I walked to the petrol station with the show bags as we didnt want to go back through the hospital. But gee, i was tired afterwards.

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