Sunday 19 May 2024


We stayed here last night, quite cold. Had to find our extra blanket during the night. Only 180 KMs to do today so we did an adventure lab in town, prepared by JACS, our daughter.

First point was photo above. Two bush rangers had been chased after stealing a pony, one policeman and a station owner were shot and killed. The pair were brothers and escaped capture for a few months. Patrick was caught, this is a sculpture showing the two police standing over him, he is on the ground with the aboriginal tracker at the back facing away. Patrick was hanged at Brisbane Boggo goal. He was unarmed when captured and his brother Jim had two loaded rifles when they found him and he surrendered, he received 12 years in jail. It's understood that these two were the last of the bush rangers in 1902/03.

Then we returned to town for a nice walk around, gathering other info. This bull is a sculpture using discarded hardware. Springs, Tin snips, spanners were some that we identified.

Cattle yards that had interesting gates to walk around the race.
Inside the race is a xylophone using large pipes. The dongas are held there with rubber covered chain. Warren got a tune out of it, I made noise as I don't know what notes follow which ones to sound good.

This was an interesting seat in town.

Lamp posts and seats had mosaic decorating them. It was pretty quiet and I despaired of finding a coffee shop, then I saw a big sign with coffee on it. It was at the artesian spa, several people were in the pool. We had not given it a thought but apparently that's why many visit. They did good coffee.


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