Wednesday 29 May 2024


 Blackbutt is just 100 KMs from home and they have a great bakery there so of course it was a good place to stop for lunch.

I walked up the street while Warren queued to get served.

Unfortunately we were too late for pasties and he didn't want to buy pies. We knew from previous experience that the pies from there, can't be eaten while driving, so he bought cream buns. Also a bit difficult to eat while driving but at least they were quicker to eat before we got going again.

I found a great painted mural on my quick walk.

It was quite massive.

This is a close up of the train. 

No train goes through here now but they have turned the railway track into a rail trail for bikes, horses and walkers.

We rode from here down to Moore about 27kms for Warren's 70th birthday.

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