Friday 24 May 2024

Charleville day five

 We headed south today, I had planned on going to a certain spot which would net us 10,forgot about the limited service. Luckily service did just come in when we were at a bridge. There was a disaster back in 2014, luckily and they don't know how but no one was seriously hurt.

We did a tree fishing on the way back in.

Broken bridge

Tree fishing this was a very short easy one

Historical gates at the showgrounds.
The mosaics have been done by the kids at school.

There is a primary and high school here, seven caravan parks, six cafes about four pubs.

Lunch today was at the Paris cafe, I had a ham of the bone sandwich with usual salad and an extra was roast peppers.

Next door was the laundermat and the other side was a drive thru drinks place, serving coffee, smoothies, milk shakes, fappes, no food just drinks. I was surprised that it made enough to be viable.

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