Thursday 23 May 2024

Charleville day three afternoon.

 There was a WW11 secret American base here from 1941, so secret that no one knew about it. The towns people were sworn to secrecy and any communications, letters or phone calls were monitored.

Still a bit cloak and dagger ish as it was reported that there were 30,000 soldiers here altogether. Seem to think there were more because of the infacture.

The museum was only put up three years ago.

As we are both military veterans we were free but after the tag along tour, I made a donation. We followed an old troppy land driver through the bush.

These were the baths that soldier had to go through every week, not to get clean but to ward off any bugs, it was similar to a sheep dip.

Can't see much in this photo but it was one of the shower and toilet blocks, the holes for the toilet outlets were still there, 20 in a row and about 4 rows.

Royal flying doctor service use this airstrip now but apparently there were large bunkers for about 15 KMs and many of the planes and equipment are buried there.

The bomb vault

This was the secret. When used in a bomber it increased the hit to 70% from 20%, apparently it changed the war. It is held in a locked bunker.

There were 25 units of  Australian Army and Airforce personnel here in Charleville from 1942 to 1947, so a hell of a lot of people.

The tag along tour took almost two hours and then another 30/40 minutes seeing the exhibits.

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