Saturday 18 May 2024


 Finally we are on our way west. It was to have been earlier but needed to have wheel bearings and brakes looked at on the camper trailer. There was a four week wait! We took the earliest time, Friday morning and booked Lucy in for dog sitting.

Warren had a drs visit to get results of the scans on his shoulder, he needs physio and rest, although doctor did ask if he wanted surgery. Not likely!

Caravan place finished at 1pm, as it was poets day although the boss had not heard of it. Poets day, piss off early, tomorrow's Saturday. 

We left town about 1.30, luckily we only planned to go to Dalby. Park run starting with a D. We chose to stay at a park that we hadn't been to before as it was an easy to walk to shops and parkrun. I didn't pack any food as it was possibly be a few hours before we could access the fridge and freezer.

Woke to a foggy morning and cold, 9 degrees.

He ran with his Steptoe gloves.

My job apparently was to take photos so murals on a toilet block along the path.

Motivation messages along the path.
Warren doing a Cliffy Young shuffle 

This dog couldn't wait to get going at the start and started braying, think he was looking for the fox.

Ducks on the river/waterway.

Hard to see but Dalby grows cotton and we passed several crops of cotton.

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