Wednesday 22 May 2024

Charleville day two

 The plan was to travel out of town collecting a series of mailboxes. Letterboxing started in the states even before geocaching and basically it was a bit of to work out where the letterbox was located. In Aussie it's more simple like a traditional but with a stamp inside to stamp the finders book.

We just go and find them log as normal. The series was the signs of the zodiac.

First one was Aries the ram, inside the big bucket was a toy sheep, bales of wool on abase of artificial grass. Two little containers, one with log the other with stamp. Most were the same depending on what it was called. 

Back in town we went to this park and had to find different trees and answer questions, very pretty park, the waterfall was at the start.

A camera setting up place, I am sitting on the big red chair, my toes are in the foreground.

This is the big red chair, couldn't find any info on it. Three steps to the side to get up on it. Just after Warren set up the phone on timer, a lady walking her dog offered to take our photo.

Nice park, there was a shag on a rock but too far away.

 Back in town, we had lunch at the Blue Gem cafe. We aim to have lunch at a different place each day. Sounds extravagant but we are on holiday and spreading the dollars. First day was the bakery.

We went our separate ways, me to the op shop where I bought some wool and cotton yarn. Warren went to the $2 shop to buy a couple of containers. Two of the letterboxes had been washed away in the recent flood. We know the owner and had sent her a message about replacing, she said yes please. On the fence line behind the missing two, grass had been caught up on the third strand so the water had rushed through there.

I passed the library and the above photo was what was outside.  Dog parking with full water bowls and next to that was a pile of free mystery sticks. Someone has a sense of humour. On my way back there was a dog lying alongside the water bowl, must have been a local as no lead in sight.

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