Thursday 23 May 2024

Charleville day three morning.

 We were following plaques caround the town and outskirts. Thank goodness there was a story with them otherwise, there was not much there. First one was a brewery not far from our camp site.

 However, it closed shortly after opening due to unsuitable water, I guess it was in 1890s so could see why. The water here is bore water and very soft to shower in but does have a definate smell of sulphur, we have been using it to make coffee and can't taste any difference.

Then a plague about the smith bros and their attempt to fly from London to Brisbane in 1919, prize was 10,000 pounds if they did it in 30 days.  They were stopped and interigated in Turkey and then came down in Charleville where they had to wait for a piston to either be made or repaired, it took 52 days.

We did three, then headed to the airport for lunch, it's only about 3 KMs out of town.

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