Sunday 13 August 2023


 Shrines are in abunance in Japan, large and small, they could be set on large plots of land or nestled between houses.

We had the opportunity to visit this particular one in the old city of Hakatta/ Fukuoka.

Houses one side and there were office buildings with the steel staircase going above it on the right.

Across the road, there was an old traditional post office, still in operation although closed for business when we were there as it was after dinner.

In the same area was this large shrine which covered the block from one street to the next. This was the front entrance and a couple of days later, we went to get a cache and came into it via the back entrance. People were stopping by, I assume on their way to work to light a candle or a quick prayer and then off they would go again. 

 He? Was near the front entrance with gilded face.

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