Wednesday 2 August 2023

Hexagon cardigan.

 Last week at crocheting, one of the ladies makes these and another member wanted to make one. First member doesn't have an actual pattern but told us what she does.

Starts with a six sided granny square and continues until large enough, does a second, adds a couple of rows to one side of each and pulls another side in for the sleeve cuff.

Pam who is on a par with me, we do basic stuff and don't or can't read patterns, made one in two days. I thought if Pam can do that I should be able to as well.

I started a new one on Sunday while watching footy, it's pretty mindless once the six sides are established. Dah dah, finished last night, just luck as the wool ran out. Need to attach buttons.


Used a whole skein of the blue, 200gms. 

The caramel was left over from another project and I bought two small balls of wool in Japan and the colour matched. 

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