Saturday 5 August 2023

Breakfasts in Japan.

 For our first week in Tokyo, breakfast was available at the hotel for 1500 yen about $18. Bought a ticket at reception and handed it in to a worker at breakfast who would then give over a tray to collect your meal. It was a buffet with hot and cold dishes plus cereal and toast or pastries. Tea, coffee and fruit juices.

We would mainly meet up for breakfast and discuss our plans for the day. Breakfast was available between 7am and 10am. 

At Kanazawa, there had been a cafe operating next door but it was closed. We bought stuff from the family mart a few metres from the hotel. One other place had breakfast for 2400 about $27 but they were fully booked. A small western style cafe was just next door that served coffee and cheese on toast among other things.

Hiroshima's hotel included breakfast, very nice hot meal but as Warren discovered no cereal, he made up for it with eggs bacon and toast.

Fukuoka had the nicest breakfast in a side street about 500 metres away.

Smashed avo on sour dough bread with a small glass of something almost like a sherry and a large coffee was 1100 yen, about $12. Not sure what else they served, it was very good.
This was our actual meal, very filling

The second morning we were there and it was wet, all the umbrellas were the workers who were coming to work and leaving their umbrellas in the hallway. Lots of well dressed young women, some young men but we couldn't work out what type of place it was, no signage although behind the cafe were displays of wedding dresses. They disappeared in lifts. Retail stores did not open until 10am, this was just before 9am.


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