Tuesday 8 August 2023

Finding relatives

 In one of my nights of not sleeping I was thinking about a cousin of mine. There had always been a glossy photo of him and I at home. He looked about 24/25 dressed in a suit and I was dressed in a lacy dress and bonnet (I know, hard to believe but I was about eight months old. Mum had always said that cousin Bill was only about 16, I decided to use Mr Google to see if I could find him and his age. I do have his brother and sister as part of my Facebook family but that would be too easy besides I wanted to know then, at 2am.

He was named after his father William and also had his maternal grandmother surname as a second name. His father had been given his mother's maiden name as his second name. Why I know these things and remember them, I don't know. It did make it easier to locate him, he was the first William Riley Wilson to surface. 

Lo and behold he had written a book, in two parts, I was able to download and read it, finishing the first part at 5am, then I slept.

Some places I do remember going to visit them, they had a farm in Kennedy's Creek Victoria. We visited for a few days and it took so long to drive there, distance now is about three hours, then it would have probably taken twice the time and a bit more, I told my teachers at school that we had been to England. My reasoning that it took so long to get there, it must have been England, I was about eight at the time.

This is the web site and a little about his book but I can't seem to make it bigger.
Yes, I can and yes he is fifteen and a half years older than me.

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