Sunday 13 August 2023


 We got interested in baseball while we were in Hiroshima, we were having dinner at a pub and it was on the TV. It was the local team playing the Hakatta Hawks. We discovered that they play three games in three days often Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Hakatta Hawks were from Fukuoka our next stop. Most of the TV we couldn't understand but scords etc were displayed so it was easy to follow. 

Warren follows the Hawks in AFL and he was interested to visit the Hawks store. He researched how to get there and we caught the bus with several people wearing baseball jumpers.

Chips with tomato sauce and mustard and melon soft drink.

We stopped and went to a cafe. It was a bit early for lunch but it was nice to sit down. No problem to get a table. Different story when we came out as there was a line up, by then it was about 11.45am and the crowds were building. I asked when the game started, it was to start at 3pm and a sell out. Old games were being played on the screens and the wait staff were dressed in their favourite teams shirts.

 This is the dome called the Pay Pay Dome. We went up the escalator it was like two flights and were able to walk all around the dome. We counted six stores all selling merch.

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