Saturday 19 August 2023

Our last day in Fukuoka

 Warren and I did a 9km walk, here are some of the photos.

We walked through a shopping mall, very few people around as we were early, this is about 9.15am. Most stores don't open until 10am but they do stay open for longer often til 8pm depending on the store.

A quirky piece of artwork along a waterway, there was a restaurant behind on the left that looked over the water. Can just see the hand rail of the stairs on the left of photo.

Another odd piece of art

This was a lovely park with quaint carriage lights on the columns, we had to find a number on a particular light.

Interesting story on these gold figures but can't remember it now.

Another park with strange sculptures, Warren is trying to fathom the sign.

Needed a selfie here to prove we had visited

Nothing like a little green frog in the garden.

We couldn't work out what was happening here, people were lined up for a block and a half. It was just on lunch time so maybe some place had a special for lunch. The line got bigger with no movement, we were looking for a cache at a subway station just behind the lines of people. It was lightly raining so the umbrellas were up but that didn't seem to deter them. One of life's mysteries.

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