Thursday 24 August 2023

Chicken legs and then some more.

 As Lucy was going to the dog sitter, I wanted to make sure there was enough food for her. Her dinner is a chicken leg and a cup of pellets, so I shopped for some and bag of pellets, a day earlier than usual. 

Wow,my grocery store had $2 days, Must download their  app to see when they are scheduled.

First fridge in the door heldchicken legs at $2 a kilo, bargain as that was exactly what I wanted. Fridge had bulk purchases only, 12 kilos worth,if smaller quanties were required they were in other fridges down the back. Headed there then changed my mind, 12 kilos was only $24, I went back to the bulk area and hauled a blue plastic pack up out of the fridge, then I realised it was one plastic blue bag in a cardboard tray. Yep, that makes sense. Chicken was already

out of the fridge so I wrangled the cardboard tray out as well, not as easy feat and placed said blue plastic bag into tray.  Not as easy feat. Hum, empty trolley, 12 kilos of chicken legs of top of freezer. I didn't want to drop it (definitely wasn't up to placing it in bottom of the trolley, manhandled it on to the baby seat. 

A few more things to gather, luckily not a full shop as we were going away and headed for the checkout. This place scans items and repacked them into another trolley. I pushed my trolley through leaving neat still in the baby seat. Checkout chicks had piece with the scan on it by the till so big box didn't have to go anywhere. 

Straight into the car boot and home. It was a two man job to pack them, we do two in a pack for Lucy and then into freezer. I also packed meal sizes for us in containers. No idea how many chicken legs there were but at least they will be off my shopping list for quite awhile.

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