Friday 17 February 2023

Norfolk Island holiday.

 We had booked Lucy into the dog-sitter and she had visited to make sure Lucy would fit in with her other charges, she said she didn't take agressive dogs.

Lucy passed the test. Larelle, dog sitter, said she would come and collect Lucy at around 8am, the day before as we had a very early start the following day.

Larelle turned up and we were chatting to her, she had a black and while collie in the front seat. Warren said to me that the collie looked very much like Ruby.

Ruby lived down the road with Pam and the dogs often played together at the dog park plus Pam would call in to pat Lucy when they were going walking. Pam and Ruby moved house about three years but we would still see them out walking sometimes. We had heard that Pam had died but she had given Ruby away before going into a nursing home.

Larelle said that the collie was in fact Ruby. A friend of hers knew that a lady was looking to rehouse her dog due to ill health and as Larelle's collie had passed away a few months before, thought she may like to have her. Hence Ruby went to Larelle. It was nice hear that Ruby was in a new home. Of course when Lucy saw Ruby, they were very happy.

There was a chocolate Lab in the back as well. Lucy went in the back and all three dogs looked very happy when they were driven away.

Having a day without Lucy was quite weird.

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