Friday 24 February 2023

NI botanical gardens Friday morning.

 The cyclone was due to hit Saturday night about 11pm. We decided that we should get out and about while we could and so we visited the gardens.

They are situated towards the north of the island and unless following the signs, wouldn't even realise they were there.

There was a small car park just off the side of the road for about six cars, we went in through the familiar, by now, post and rail wooden fence and gate.

The paths are all board walks with the post and rail fences on either side. As well as visiting, we were doing an adventure lab, obtaining information about the flora and fauna.

Very tropical and although we spent about an hour there, I didn't take any photos.

After that we continued on up the rise and into the national park on our to Mt Pitt, the highest point on the island. There was a trail of eight caches on the way. The road was narrow and windy but there was room for parking at each cache to pull up and grab cache.

Mt Pitt has the communication towers on top of it and it was starting to get windy.

We thought we were going to return a different way but the map we were given had roads and trails marked in the same manner, this fact did stop us a couple of times, but it was only a slight annoyance as to have to go an alternative route wasn't that much of a drama, after all the island is only 8k by 5k.

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