Tuesday 21 February 2023

Norfolk Island day two.

 Part of our package included four tours plus size drive yourself tours and the first one was an introductory tour, it was a bus trip leaving from down town at 8.30am. 

We picked up two hitch hikers on the way, not something we would normally do but it's like "when in Roman, do as the Romans do". This couple were heading to work at the local butchers, they were backpackers from Spain. They had been on the island for two months and heading back to Brisbane in March. 

Our tour was a bit of a taster and we went to the shoreline that was a township, Kingston when the convicts were there. The new and old goals, the crank house which was necessary to grind the grain but it was a form of punishment as well.

Queen Elizabeth's lookout overlooked the town and the sea. It was enclosed with a very sturdy wooden framed fence and gate. The reason being to keep the cows out! They have the run of the island and cars need to give way to them.

Queen Elizabeth's lookout.

Quality road where the top administers lived

New goal

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