Wednesday 22 February 2023

NI day three Thursday

 We had another bus tour in the morning, this was more on the convicts. They certainly had it tough, Norfolk Island was for reaffrending prisoners. They were given 1/2 pound of meat, same of grain and an ounce of salt per day, two meals a day. They had to work in the salt house or crank house, some of the trustees were out farming but a very bleak place.

Of course they had to build all the structures first and were in leg irons and chain gangs. Twelve hundred prisoners were housed at one time.

We noticed that the bus drivers didnt have the same stories. One apparently liked to tell people that 3000 men were hung there during the time but only three were recorded and a magistrate had to visit from Australia to do the hearings and often due to weather conditions it would bemonths before they were able to attend.

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