Friday 17 February 2023

Norfolk Island day one.

 It was an early start, our plane flew out at 9am. We discovered a few days before that it flew from the international airport not the domestic even though Norfolk is part of Australia which meant we had to be there at least two hours before.

Our intention was to bus to the train station then halfway to Brisbane then catch the airtrain to airport. No buses at that time of the morning so would have had to get an uber.

Too hard, too difficult too expensive so we booked valet parking at the airport which was about $6 more and we didn't have to go quite so early.

Alarm went at 4.30am, we needed to leave about 5.15, neither of us slept real well, at 11pm, I realised I hadn't packed my swimmers, I had put them in the spare room with our luggage a couple of weeks before. Flippers and snorkels were in so that was a mad dash to grab them and push them in.

Valet parking is the best, we drove to the airport and parked right outside, attendants even helped get our luggage out of the boot. We do pack light so wasn't necessary but it was a nice touch. Across the crossing and up two escalators. Check in had just opened so we were able to do that, then we had breakfast and waited.

Trip took two and a half hours and we were handed arrival cards, could either use passport or driver's licence for ID. Out of the airport on NI and we were shown to a bus for the journey to Governor's lodge to collect our apartment key and car. Although we were staying at Crest Apartments, they were owned by the same company, Crest was another three kms away.

Our first port of call was a Sim card and some food. Food was expensive as it all has to be shipped in, 6 sausages was $12 and a cooked chicken was $17.50.

Top photo is across our lawn, we set out to get a cache 340ms from apartment, then we saw the road and got in the car. Second photo is the beach, taken about 7.30pm, NI is two hours ahead of home.

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