Sunday 26 February 2023

NI Sunday

 I was going to organise an event for geocaching on Norfolk while we were there. While looking for a suitable venue, one popped up on my screen for the weekend that we would be there, saved me doing it and we got to meet others for no hassle, a bonus.

I had checked the place prior and we set off in bright clear sunshine to go to the local cafe, there were several but The Olive Cafe was THE place to be seen, food was pretty good too.

It was very popular and we had to wait for a table. Warren and I had bought a caching shirt with us and we had actually worn them on the plane over, not realising until after we had dressed that we were wearing them. They were almost the same except Warren's was Dayboro and had green sides and mine was Townsville and had orange sides. We did get asked about them several times at the airports and gave an explanation about caching. The shirts are handy when going to an event that others are unknown.

Six of us were visitors and the resident cache came as well, he helped out with a couple of puzzles then four went to collect a "mob" one, this is where there needs to be at least three phones together get the coordinates. 

Warren and I set off to collect it, with me navigating not sure if we had it correct, then one of the other couples turned the corner. It was a bit muddy due to the rain and of course I fell over, just to my knees after stepping on a green log.

The cache was up a tree but Duncan, local guy, assured us that we wouldn't need to climb a tree.

No, we didn't, there was a cord attached and the guys were able to let it down, sign the log and hoist it up again. We did a few more and a very lengthy earth cache. Then a fish and chip dinner as. I couldn't be bothered cooking.

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