Tuesday 28 February 2023

NI Monday

 Again a calm day, temps were 23 to 25. We went to Ball bay, that is where they bring the fuel in for the island. I had solved a puzzle about Norfolk Island stamps and it was hidden on one of the outer roads.

Lived the different colours of the sea.

The wind over time had got to this tree, it wasn't far from the shoreline.

We did an earth cache, I had looked at it at home and there were pages and pages of stuff to read. Earth caches make me feel dumb but I did want to attempt this one as it had a high rating. So much stuff about different types of rocks and then their makeup and another classification. On my third or fourth read through, I realised that once I selected a type of rock formation, I only had to concentrate on that particular area for the rest of it, so I could ditch the rest. Five questions to answer and then I also sent this pic to show that we were there. 

I have claimed a find and have not had any corro from CO soit must have been all correct, so a D4/T3.5.

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