Saturday 18 February 2023

Norfolk Island and vehicles

 We picked up the car on day one, I left Warren to organise while I got lunch. We could have both driven if I had given in my driver's licence. I said to Warren that he could do all the driving as usually it costs more if there is a second driver but apparently not there.

Car hire included 35kms per day, any more then it was 35 cents a km. Warren was offered a deal of $7 a day for unlimited, thank goodness he decided not to take it. We travelled around a lot except for the day the cyclone hit and recorded 180kms for the whole time. Petrol wasn't cheap as expected, $2.88 per litre.

Three speeds across the whole of the island, 30km past the school from 8am to 3.30pm, 40km in the town centre and 50kms on the open roads although many roads being so twisty and windy, it would have been ludicrous to drive up to that speed.

Cows have right of way and amble along wherever they chose, township has cattle grids on the roads leading into the centre and every property has a cattle grid as well to keep the cows out. Chooks are also out and about and at our apartment complex, there were at least four chooks with chicken of varying ages and four or five roosters as well. We were never woken up by roosters crowing though.

Many motor bikes were outside the school, kids can get a license at 15 for a bike and car at 16. Only one school and no school bus.

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