Tuesday 21 February 2023

NI day two afternoon

 At 4.30, we had another tour which was a language course. This was held at the Governor's lodge, our apartment block was about two and a half KMs from here and it was governed by Governors lodge. Apparently, a couple built and owned our complex of twelve apartment and they lived on the edge of the car park. They wanted to retire after a few years and the owners of GL bought it. It was in the times that no one could buy into Norfolk unless they had family ties.

The woman who did our course is studying at Gold Coast University and working part time. She listed off her ancestors and said that everyone on the island who came from the original group were able to that. I think she went back about ten generations.

Norfolk Island used to govern themselves but ran out of money a few years ago and Australia bailed them out and basically took over some of things but really made a bit of a dogs breakfast as they have a NSW postcode, mail goes from Australia to New Zealand first before going to NI. Qld oversees the education and the locals have to vote in an ACT election. Like I said, a dogs breakfast. 

In 1998, it was decided to teach the local language in the school, one school from prep to year 12. I asked if it was still taught and was it used. Yes and yes, the locals use it between themselves, it is a mixture of Tahitian and English. We got to practise some basic words and sentences and seeing it written were able to make out most of the words.

Many signs around were written in both.

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